Copy contain of an unicode file in to the char array in c

BattleTested_закалённый в бою

i write a c code as following, that copy a file. it works truely for unicode files (exe, rar for example), i use of a char data-type array to copy file "block" in that. i know that, char data-type just can store 1 byte as extended ASCII standard.

in fread() function, used of buffer[buflen] variable as char array due to copy a block of an exe file (100 byte) in that, then copy buffer[buflen] contain in an other file. how it possible that, a block of unicode characters, stores in char? why this code works for unicode files truely without any problem?

copyFile function :

void copyFile(const char *src, const char *dst)
    const int buflen = 100;
    char buffer[buflen];
    long fileSize, curFileSize, offset = 0;
    FILE *r, *w;

    r = fopen(src, "r+b");
    w = fopen(dst, "w+b");

    fseek(r, 0, SEEK_END);
    fileSize = ftell(r);
    fseek(r, 0, SEEK_SET);

    while(fileSize - (curFileSize = ftell(r)) >= buflen)
        fseek(r, offset * buflen, SEEK_SET);
        fread(&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, r);
        fwrite(&buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, w);

    if ((fileSize - curFileSize) != 0)
        fseek(r, (offset - 1) + (curFileSize), SEEK_SET);
        fread(&buffer, fileSize - curFileSize, 1, r);
        fwrite(&buffer, fileSize - curFileSize, 1, w);


entrypoint section :

int main()
    copyFile("e:/1.exe", "e:/2.exe");
    return 0;

what is the reason of using char data-type or a struct (containing of char) in fread and fwrite functions?

Thanks of everybody to help me.

Alan Stokes

Any file, regardless of encoding, is just a sequence of bytes. The char type can store any byte, so you're just copying the file byte for byte. (char is used in C and C++ as both a character type and a numeric type capable of holding a byte. This can be confusing, but both usages are valid.)

fread and fwrite are specified in terms of char because they read and write bytes.

Collected from the Internet

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