How can i update hidden field value on one page from the code behind of another page?

Jimmy Genslinger

I have a page, behaviorAnalysis.aspx, that is calling a javascript that does two things: 1) Display a modal dialog with a please wait message; and 2) creating an iFrame and calling a second page, behaviorAnalysisDownload.aspx via jQuery:

function isMultiPageExport(exportMedia) {"Building File<br/>...this could take a minute", { dialogSize: "sm", progressType: "warning" });

    var downloadFrame = document.createElement("IFRAME");

    if (downloadFrame != null) {
        downloadFrame.setAttribute("src", 'behaviorExport.aspx?exportType=html&exportMedia=' + exportMedia); = "0px"; = "0px";

The second page is downloading an Excel file using the following code snippet:

//* Workbook Download & Cleanup
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

var xlsBytes = stream.ToArray();
string filename = "Behavior Stats YTD.xlsx";

MemoryStream newStream = new MemoryStream(xlsBytes);

if (Page.PreviousPage != null)
    HiddenField exp = (HiddenField)Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("hidDownloadStatus");
    exp.Value = "Complete";

HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename);

As you can see, I was hoping to update a hidden field on the calling page before pushing the download through; however, PreviousPage is null. Is there another approach I can use, to update the hidden field value from the calling page, behaviorAnalysis.aspx?


I would first recommend this jQuery library, which does exactly what you want with the background download and modal, but it's been tested cross-browser and has a lot of neato features already available:

If you don't like that, you can take a similar approach to what that plugin does. Instead of trying to set the value of a HiddenField on the parent, just add a cookie:

Response.SetCookie(new HttpCookie("fileDownload", "true") { Path = "/" });

After your first page appends the iFrame, just use setInterval() to check to see if that cookie exists with something like:

if (document.cookie.indexOf('fileDownload') > -1) {
    document.cookie = 'fileDownload=; Path=/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;' // remove cookie
    // it was a success, so do something here

Of course, you'll want to put some sort of a timeout or logic to handle errors, but that should cover the basics of it.

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