Adding new user to ejabberd through Smack android api

Sagar Nayak

I have installed ejabberd on my local server. This was then tested in spark for its functionality and it worked fine. Now I want to add a new user through the android app.

I tried adding a new user through spark and it worked fine. The fields I have given are uesrname, password, confirm password, server. But when I tried to do it using the smack api in the android app it gave the following error:

org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException$XMPPErrorException: XMPPError: forbidden - auth

I was using createAccount(), seen in the code I was using below, to create the new account in smack.

AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.getInstance(conn1);

try {
    accountManager.createAccount("tryuser", "qwerty");
    Log.i("log", "created user successfully");
} catch (SmackException.NoResponseException e) {
} catch (XMPPException.XMPPErrorException e) {
} catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) {

I have checked if it supports new account creation by supportsAccountCreation() and it returned true.

I have changed my register rule to allow all in ejabberd server. and i don't think it has any problem because i can create account from spark, but getting error in smack.

I have looked into the following SO questions related to this topic but no luck.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this?


Please give a try with below -

AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.getInstance(connection);
                try {
                    if (accountManager.supportsAccountCreation()) {
                        accountManager.createAccount("userName", "password");

                } catch (SmackException.NoResponseException e) {
                } catch (XMPPException.XMPPErrorException e) {
                } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException e) {

And you also need to set below in ejabberd.cfg (config file)

{access, register, [{allow, all}]}.

which means - In-band registration allows registration of any possible username. To disable in-band registration, replace 'allow' with 'deny'.

And in mod_register (module in same config file) please set below -

{access_from, register} 

& before that please check you are connected to XMPP server.

Probably this will resolve your issue.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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