Json Deserialization with same property name with different case


I want to understand how Json.NET deserializes a JSON object to corresponding c# object when we have multiple property names with different cases(I know this is not a good practice, but just curious to know how JSON.NET deals with this).

I have a c# object defined as below:

public class TestModel
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public bool IsEmployee { get; set; }

And json object as

{ "Name": "TestName","Isemployee":true, "isemployee":false};

Then, if I use the JSON.NET de-serialize method to convert above json string to TestModel object, which one of those two properties will be assigned to IsEmployee variable? And why?


Anders Gustafsson

In deserialization, Json.NET attempts case insensitive matching of an attribute if exact matching fails, as discussed here. This is in contrast to the built-in .NET JSON serializers, see here.

If multiple matches are detected, the last match takes precedence.

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