weird behavior scope and ng-repeat in view, angular JS

nacho c

I am having a weird behavior.

In the view I have the follow code :

<div class="form-group">

  <select class="form-control" name="name" id="repeatSelect" ng-model="selectedOption">
    <option ng-repeat="o in availableOptions" value="{{o}}">{{}}</option>

And in the controller I have :

$scope.availableOptions= [
  {id: '1', name: 'name2', value:{w: 100, h: 250}},
  {id: '2', name: 'name1', value:{w: 200, h: 100}},
$scope.selectedOption = $scope.availableOptions[1];

The problem is the follow : At first time the first two <p> (selectedOption and selectedOption.value) are showing right. However when I change the value of in the select only <p>{{selectedOption}}</p> is showed while <p>{{selectedOption.value}}</p> doesn't show anything.

Any help???

PD: with ng-option into select it worked, but why with ng-repeat not?


Only explanation I could think of was that it changes the object into a string. The work around you could do is creating ng-change="foo(selectedOption)" into the select and the function looking something like this:

$ = function(val){
     $scope.selectedOption = angular.fromJson(val);   

EDIT from here we can confirm that the value is converted to string.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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