handling numeric null values using copy command in amazon redshift

Kumar Pushkar

while trying to load data to redshift using s3 I am getting an error

Invalid digit, Value 'N', Pos 0, Type: Decimal

its failing while trying to load NULL value to a numeric datatype column (column is nullable)

although i am using NULL AS '\000' conversion.

COPY campaign
FROM 's3://test/campaign.csv' 
credentials '------------------' 
NULL AS '\000' 
delimiter ',' 
region '----';

how can we handle such scenarios?


CREATE TABLE campaign ( 
  discount_med DECIMAL(5,2), 
  discount_packages DECIMAL(5,2), 
  discount_test DECIMAL(5,2) 

Sample input:



Instead of NULL AS '\000' use NULL as 'NULL'. This worked for me on your table and data:

COPY campaign
FROM 's3://denis-stackoverflow/campaign.csv'
credentials '---'
delimiter ','
region 'ap-southeast-2';

Collected from the Internet

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