Run scala *.jar file from Ubuntu terminal

Al Jenssen

I have a compiled *.jar file, which is actually Scala code. I want to run this application from a terminal with increased JVM memory. The way I run it so far is:

scala MyApp.jar 

The above works, the app is running.

and this:

scala -Dname=Xmx2g MyApp.jar or scala -Dname=-Xmx2g MyApp.jar

I do this to use more JVM memory, the app is actually running, but does not seem to use more memory.

How can I run a Scala application (*.jar file) with increased JVM memory?

Reid Spencer

The scala command requires use of the -J option in order to pass options on to the JVM. So, the command line you probably want is: scala -J-Xmx2g MyApp.jar

FYI, the -Dname=Xmx2g would define a system property named name and give it the value Xmx2g, probably not what you want.

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