Find a number of occurrences of character in string


I have a string and I want to remove the first 3 occurrences of the letter a (for example).

Seems regex has no solution for a specific number of occurrences. And I can't use replace without loops, which I want to avoid.


Nice challenge.

This works:

var str = "I have a string and I want to remove the first 3 occurrences of the letter a (for example).";
str = str.replace(/^([^a]*a){3}/, function(match) {
  return match.replace(/a/g, '!');
document.body.innerHTML = str;


I h!ve ! string !nd I want to remove the first 3 occurrences of the letter a (for example).

The first replace matches a continuous string containing exactly 3 as. Its inner replace changes the a to a ! for clarity; you can safely replace it with nothing as well.

This is scaleable to any number because you can change the {3} to the required number of changes.

Collected from the Internet

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