IntelliJ IDEA run AngularJS project


How can I run my AngularJS Application in the IntelliJ IDEA? I use the last version of the IntelliJ IDEA and I installed the AngularJS support with the IntelliJ IDEA AngularJS Plugin. I wonder, that I cannot define some Server Run/Debug Configuration (like Tomcat) to run my application.

Is there a way to do this?

EDIT: Or there is some other way to deploy the application? I cannot find any suitable Run/Debug Configuration to somehow deploy my project locally.


A 'lisa p' says: You need an application server to run it locally on, such as JBoss.

Unless it's a static application (i.e. no dynamic content) in which case, just open your index.html file in a web-browser.

Ideally, if you wanted to continue to develop more pure AngularJS projects, then use Jetbrains' WebStorm IDE instead of their IntelliJ IDEA IDE.
IntelliJ is for Java Development, WebStorm is for Web and JavaScript Development.

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