Tee resets exit status is always 0

Jeryl Vaz

I have a short script like this:

<some_process> | tee -a /tmp/some.log  &
wait $(pidof <some_process_name>)
echo $?

The result is always 0, irrespective of the exit status of some_process.

I know PIPESTATUS can be used here, but why does tee break wait?

Yam Marcovic

Well, this is something that, for some peculiar reason, the docs don't mention. The code, however, does:

int wait_for (pid) { /*...*/
/* If this child is part of a job, then we are really waiting for the
job to finish. Otherwise, we are waiting for the child to finish. [...] */

if (job == NO_JOB)
  job = find_job (pid, 0, NULL);

So it's actually waiting for the whole job, which, as we know, normally yields the exit status of the last command in the chain.

To make matters worse, $PIPESTATUS can only be used with the last foreground command.

You can, however, utilize $PIPESTATUS in a subshell job, like this:

(<some_process> | tee -a /tmp/some.log; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}) &
# somewhere down the line:
wait %%<some_process>

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