Using manyConsole to creating a default argument with no flags but still have commands that require flags

Matt Pedigo

I just found manyConsole for commandline parsing and believe that it can meet my requirements for a Windows console app in my project except for one thing. Can I have manyConsole parse the commandline so that I have the following functionality

myapp.exe C:\somedirectory\somefile.ext -v 10.00

where file path would be required but not preceeded by a flag or command but each argument after would require a flag?

Frank Schwieterman

Since you're not dispatching to different commands, Mono.Options would be a more direct match. Both will handle the flagged options then give you a list of unhandled options (which in your case would be the path at the beginning.) Either will work. You might prefer many console still as it will help with error/help responses.

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