How to properly close connection : dispose() or close()?

Adeel ASIF

this is my powershell code :

$OracleConnexion = New-Object Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection('User Id=test;Password="test";Data Source=')
$TimeOut = 60


$Query.CommandText="Select * FROM TEST"
$Query.CommandTimeout = $Timeout


while ($ExecuteRequete.Read()) {

    $SiebelLastRecord += $ExecuteRequete.GetDateTime(0).ToString()



So I'm opening ODP.NET connection with $ then closing it with $OracleConnexion.close() is it sufficient to close properly my connection to Oracle Database? Or should I use $OracleConnexion.Dispose() ?

I execute my powershell every 5min via Task scheduler... So maybe Should I use Dispose() to avoid memory saturation?


It looks like everybody else, I noticed late that you're in powershell. In that case, it doesn't really matter. Everything is going to get cleaned up when the shell ends regardless. I suppose you could add a [catch] and maybe close/dispose the connection there if it's still open, but I think that would only be necessary if you planned on letting your script continue.

I'll leave my longwinded c# answer below. Even though it doesn't really apply to your script, it explains the difference (or lack thereof).

The short answer (for c#):

using (var conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString))

"using" ensures that .Dispose is called at the end of the block even if an exception is thrown. That way you never risk a connection being orphaned until garbage collection finally gets around to cleaning it up and that might be well after you run out of database connections.

The long answer:

Using a reflector, you will see that Dispose calls Close:

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
  if (ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
    Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Entry);
  this.m_disposed = true;
  this.m_dataSource = string.Empty;
  this.m_serverVersion = string.Empty;
    bool flag = this.m_connectionState == ConnectionState.Closed && this.m_oracleConnectionImpl == null;
      if (!disposing)
        if (!flag)
          if (OraclePool.m_bPerfNumberOfReclaimedConnections)
            OraclePool.PerformanceCounterIncrement(OraclePerfParams.CounterIndex.NumberOfReclaimedConnections, this.m_oracleConnectionImpl, this.m_oracleConnectionImpl.m_cp);
    catch (Exception ex)
      if (ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
        Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Error, ex.ToString());
    if (!flag)
      catch (Exception ex)
        if (ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
          Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Error, ex.ToString());
    catch (Exception ex)
      if (ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
        Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Error, ex.ToString());
      GC.SuppressFinalize((object) this);
    catch (Exception ex)
      if (!ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
      Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Error, ex.ToString());
  catch (Exception ex)
    if (!ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
    Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Error, ex.ToString());
    if (ProviderConfig.m_bTraceLevelPublic)
      Trace.Write(OracleTraceLevel.Public, OracleTraceTag.Exit);

Is there any real difference? No - the unmanaged resource IS the connection which is taken care of with .Close. You'd see no functional difference (other than delayed tracing) if you checked the connection status in a finally block and called .Close there if it was still open.

  OracleConnection conn = null;
    conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString);
    if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

That said the recommended pattern for idisposible objects is to use a "using" block. Yes I suppose it is true that you have the option to reopen the connection with close, but I don't see that being a useful thing to do.

If you didn't use a using or a finally and an exception is thrown and close/dispose is never called, then freeing the connection to the db would be nondeterministic - Dispose(false) would happen whenever the garbage collector got around to it - and that might be long after you run out of connections to your db.

    OracleConnection conn = null;
    conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString);

    //exception occurs - Close is never called - resource leak!!


Collected from the Internet

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