How can I remove a specific node based on its keyvalue?


The task is to remove a node based on either key or value, for e.g the whole entry with key "org.quartz.B" and value="BBB" should be removed.

   <section name="java">
    <entry key="org.quartz.A" value="AAA" />
    <entry key="org.quartz.B" value="BBB" />
    <entry key="org.quartz.C" value="CCC" />
    <entry key="org.quartz.D" value="false" />
    <section name="db">
    <entry key="oracle" value="12" />
    <entry key="mssql" value="2012" />
    <entry key="mysql" value="6.1" />       

Code which i have tried is

$xml=[xml](Get-Content $getxmlpath)
Write-Host ($xml)
$javasection = $xml.config.module | where-Object {$ -eq 'java'}
Write-Host ($javasection)
####### dont know how to delete particular node#######

You can use the RemoveChild method of the XmlNode class:

$childToRemove = $javaSection.entry | ? { $_.Key -eq 'org.quartz.B' }

Note that using this to find the element to delete is inefficient as it has to filter through ALL of the elements with the Where-Object cmdlet. If your xml is going to be large, you might want to look at using XPath expressions with a method like: SelectSingleNode.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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