Delete specific row in database table and generatet html table

Valentin Gjorgoski

This is my delete page :


    $id = $_GET['ID'];
    $pdoConnect = new PDO($db);
    $query='DELETE * FROM studentraspored WHERE ID = "' . $id . '" ';
    $pdoResult = $db->prepare($query);

    $pdoExec = $pdoResult->execute($query);


This is generated table in my “memberpage.php”:

if (count($rows)){
    foreach ($rows as $row) {       
        $_SESSION['row'] = $rows;
        $id = floatval($row['ID']);
        echo "<tr>" .
            '<form action="delete_raspored.php" method="post">'.
            "<td>" . $row["ID"] . "</td>" .
            "<td>" . $row["den"] . "</td>" .
            "<td>" . $row["chas"] . "</td>" .
            "<td>" . $row["predmet"] . "</td>" .
            "<td>" . $row["profesor"] . "</td>" .               
            "<td>" . $row["prostorija"] . "</td>" .
            "<td>" . $row["tip"] . "</td>" .
            '<td><input type="submit" id="' . $id . '" value="Delete" ></td>'.

This not working properly. I don't understand why maybe something i missed with floatval


Start by trying this:

$id = $_GET['ID'];
$query='DELETE FROM studentraspored WHERE ID = ?';
$pdoResult = $db->prepare($query);

Note the placeholder in place of the actual value, this will prevent SQL injections. The value is passed in in the execute, or you could bind it (

The delete syntax was also off, delete deletes a whole row not specific columns,

In your form I also don't see an element named ID so that could be another issue and your form is submitting via POST, not GET.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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