Retaining a column with all strings during groupby on a pandas dataframe

datetime    col_A   col_B
1/1/2012    125.501  A
1/2/2012    NaN      A
1/3/2012    125.501  A
1/4/2013    NaN      A
1/5/2013    125.501  B
2/28/2013   125.501  B
2/28/2014   125.501  B
1/2/2016    125.501  B
1/4/2016    125.501  B
2/28/2016   NaN      B

As per Fill in missing values in pandas dataframe using mean, I am filling in col_A missing values like this:

df = df.groupby([df.index.month,]).transform(lambda x: x.fillna(x.mean()))

However, when I do this, it makes col_B go away. How can I retain col_B which is all strings?


I think you can add col_A:

df['col_A'] = df.groupby([df.index.month,])['col_A'].transform(lambda x: 
print df
              col_A col_B
2012-01-01  125.501     A
2012-01-02  125.501     A
2012-01-03  125.501     A
2013-01-04  125.501     A
2013-01-05  125.501     B
2013-02-28  125.501     B
2014-02-28  125.501     B
2016-01-02  125.501     B
2016-01-04  125.501     B
2016-02-28  125.501     B

Collected from the Internet

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