Using an if statement involving time in python

Dalton Johnson

So I've been trying to get an if statement to run if it is a certain time, and been trying this:

import datetime
    while True:
        if( == (6, 20, 0, 0)):
            print("It's 6:20!")
except :

But nothing happens at 6:20.. why and how do I fix this?


The function you are calling doesn't return a tuple; it returns a datetime.time instance. Also, the odds of you calling the function at exactly 6:20 are vanishingly small.

success = False
while True:
    now =
    if now.hour == 6 and now.minute == 20:
        success = True
        print("It's 6:20!")

More than likely, you simply want to break out of the loop once success becomes true, meaning your code would look more like

while True:
    now = ...
    if now.hour == 6 ...:
        print("It's 6:20!")

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