How do you test a mutable, implied result?


I have a function that doesn't "return" anything but relies on altering a dictionary/list using its mutability. i.e.:

def func(my_list):

I want to test this function using pytest and parameterisation:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("input1, result", [
    ([1], [1, 4]),
    ([33, 44], [33,44, 4])
def test_mytest(input1, result):
    assert func(input1) == result

Problem is, this obviously won't work because my function doesn't actually "return" my_list. Is it possible to test the value of my_list using pytest, and if so how?


You could compare the value of list1 to result after the call to the function.

def test_mytest(input1):
    assert input1 == result

Note that input1 will be modified after the call to the function and can now be compared to the expected result

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