SSIS - pivoting duplicate values in multiple records


I have a situation like this:

1   A       22/06/2015 03:55:02
1   A       22/06/2015 03:55:05
1   B       22/06/2015 03:55:10

Of course if i try to pivot SISS gives an error telling that there is a duplicate value in the TYPE for that ID; so I thought it would be nice to have a result like this:

ID  occurrence  A                       B
1   1           22/06/2015 03:55:02     22/06/2015 03:55:10
1   2           22/06/2015 03:55:05

It would be also nice if the fist occurrence would be filled with the earlier timestamps of the events (A and B), but I think this will be done just by ordering correctly.

Can this be done?


You should be able to use ROW_NUMBER to create the "Occurrence" column and pivot the data based on Type

FROM (  
        SELECT  *,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY [ID], [Type] ORDER BY [TimeStamp]) Occurrence  
        FROM    Test
) t
(       MAX([TimeStamp])
        FOR [Type] IN ([A],[B])
) p


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