(python) How do I obtain specific entries from a dictionary (using keys) as I do with an array?


With an array x=['A','B','C'], I can obtain several elements from it by just stating the index: eg.print(x[0:2]) yields ['A','B'].

Now for a similar (ordered) dictionary x={1:'A', 2:'B', 3:'C'}, how would I obtain 'A' and 'B' in the same way, by referencing the keys 1 and 2? Trying a method similar to the array above gives me an error:

TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'

Note that the key tied to the entries are important, so it won't help converting the dictionary into a list.

Also, I plan on doing this to a lot of entries (>100), so calling each individual one won't be useful. My real program will involve numbered keys starting from 100 and calling keys 200 to 300, for example.


The way to retrieve a value from a dictionary is dict_name[key]:

print x[1], x[2]
>> 'A', 'B'

Note that if the key doesn't exist this will raise a KeyError. A way around it is to use get(key, default_value):

print x[9]
>> KeyError
print x.get(9, None)
>> None

You can use a for loop in order to check multiple keys:

for potential_key in range(10):
    print x[potential_key]

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