Are there reasons not to use lombok with android studio

Nouvel Travay

Does anyone know of any reason to not use lombok with android studio? I have POJOs with 60 fields and many important methods. I would rather not litter the files with accessors. My option is to declare the fields public or use lombok. I know how to set it up (How to set up compile library in android studio. LOMBOK). But I don’t want to publish my app and then find out it does not work with some android device simply because of lombok. I am coding agains API-14 and up. Thanks. Also right now I am compiling against API-23, and will keep compiling against whatever is latest.

chrylis -cautiouslyoptimistic-

Lombok generates ordinary Java code at compile time, and then it's essentially identical to what your IDE would generate. The Android toolchain won't even know the difference.

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