How to count the number of selected rows in datagridview


I'm a complete rookie. I learned so much from here but this one I can't find the answer to. I'm using Visual Studio Pro 2015.

I found this question, but the answer does not work for my application:

VB.Net - Is there any way to count the number of selected rows in a datagridview?

I have a windows form application that has a single column datagridview that is populated by reading a textfile, line by line at runtime.

I need to display (in a label) the number of rows that the user selects in the datagridview control.

I have this:

    Private Sub DataGridView1_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.SelectionChanged
        Dim selectedRowCount As Integer
        selectedRowCount = DataGridView1.Rows.GetRowCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Selected)
        lblNumSelected.Text = selectedRowCount.ToString()
    End Sub

Or this:

    Private Sub DataGridView1_SelectionChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.SelectionChanged
        lblNumSelected.Text = DataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count().ToString()
    End Sub

Both of these methods return 0 (zero) no matter how many rows are selected. Thank you for helping me.


On your DataGridView, set the .SelectionMode property to FullRowSelect, then use the .SelectedRows.Count property.

Collected from the Internet

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