Django Meta Class Access Outer Attribute



I need to implement a form that may vary a little depending on a variable. My class that subclasses ModelForms looks like this

class ConstantVwModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
  #couple attributes

  def __init__(self, hasData, *args, **kwargs): 

  class Meta:
    fields = ('xx', 'yy' ..)

I am looking for the very best way to access the variable hasData from the inner class Meta, it would be like

class ConstantVwModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
  #couple attributes

  def __init__(self, hasData, *args, **kwargs): 

  class Meta:
    if hasData:
      fields = ('xx', 'yy', ..)
      fields = ('hh', ..)

Any help is highly appreciated

Shang Wang

You shouldn't do that and there's no way to achieve this. You can delete field on the fly in your __init__ function explicitly:

class ConstantVwModelForm(forms.ModelForm):
    #couple attributes
    def __init__(self, hasData, *args, **kwargs):
        if hasData:
            del self.fields['hh']
            del self.fields['xx']
            del self.fields['yy']

    class Meta:
        model = ConstantVwModel

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