Understanding practical usage of __ (double underscore) in python


I saw functions returning tuples and at receiving end, sometimes I see syntax something like this.

def foo():
    return (True, False)

foo, __ = foo()

The thing I investigated is that, __ (double underscore) don't give pep8 error as if its not being used anywhere.


  1. the practice situation where we should use this
  2. Situations we should avoid
  3. Any alternatives.

As Andrés Pérez-Albela H. has mentioned, double underscores are usually used for "magic methods" like __init__(). In that usage, they lead and trail the method name. A single underscore in front of a method (or variable) name, like _index, usually means "this is a private member variable or a private method, and should not be used by other code". This is simply convention and does not have any special meaning to the Python interpreter, whereas some double-underscore methods do have special meaning.

Now, as for the question you asked: __ (a double underscore) as a variable name is not a normal thing in Python coding. The more usual convention is to use _ (a single underscore) for any variable whose contents you don't need. See What is the purpose of the single underscore "_" variable in Python? for more details.

However, there are sometimes reasons why a programmer might want to avoid using _ as a variable name. Specifically, if he's running code in an interactive Python interpreter session. In an interactive session, the value returned from the previous expression is stored in a variable named _. So if you're used to using _ as "a variable whose contents I don't care about" but you're in an interactive Python interpreter session, you might switch to using __ for that purpose instead.

So my best guess is that the sample code you've seen was intended to be run in an interactive Python session, where _ already has a special meaning. And so the person writing the code used __ for his throwaway variables, instead of _ which would be more commonly used.

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