On Jsoup identity transform


I want to see if I can get back the original string with Jsoup after a transform.

Document doc = Jsoup.parse("<html><body><span>&rarr;</span></body></html>");
String str = doc.toString();

I'd like the output to be equivalent HTML (formatting aside). Here the "rarr" string is mutilated. So, what function do I have to use?

Davide Pastore

Pete Houston took me on the track in the issue 660.

You can do it using:

String str = doc.toString();

Output would be:


BUT output is slightly different (&srarr; instead of &rarr;) from the input because:

according to the HTML5 named character references, http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110113/named-character-references.html

&srarr; is the same as &rarr; also, same as &RightArrow;, &ShortRightArrow; ...

as you know, jsoup do validation (escape/unescape) while processing input and mapping the HTML entities defined in entities-*.properties; well, since there are several entities' names represent in same Unicode value \u02192 in your case, the mapping is done with the first match if I'm not mistaken.

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