How can I share a struct with pointers between processes in C?

Joaquim Ferrer

I'm trying to put a file in a struct but I'm having problems sharing the memory as I can access the fields in the created process where the mapping happens but cannot access the arrays(can only access the int) in the other processes. I tried a lot of different things but the way I present next is the one that makes more sense to me as I'm allocating memory the right way with shmget.

For clarity: The only thing that is being shared is the integer lim_thread. The other fields are in a area of memory that I can not access. Why? As I see the pointers are pointing to a region of memory that is shared.


Threads = 5
Domains =; edu
LocalDomain = so.local
NamedPipeEstatisticas = statistics


typedef struct configs
    int lim_thread;
    char (*valid_domains)[MAX_DOMAIN_SIZE]; //max size for valid domains
    char *domain;
    char *stat_pipe;
    sem_t sem;


/*Shared memory for configs*/
CONFIGS *_configs;
int _shmid_configs;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    pid_t config_pid; //will hold the configuration process id

    _shmid_configs = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(CONFIGS), IPC_CREAT|0666);
    _configs = shmat(_shmid_configs, NULL, 0);
    sem_init( &( _configs->sem), 1, 0);
//initializes processes
    if( ( config_pid = fork() ) < 0) {
        perror("Failed creating configuration manager process");
    else if( config_pid == 0 ) {

    printf("%d\n", _configs->lim_thread);
    printf("%s\n", *(_configs->valid_domains+1));
    printf("%s\n", _configs->domain);
    printf("%s\n", _configs->stat_pipe);
    return 0;


#define MAX_LINE_SIZE 1000

int init_config() {

    FILE *fp;
    char domains[MAX_LINE_SIZE], line[MAX_LINE_SIZE], *saveptr, *aux_char;
    int count = 0, aux;
    int temp_shmid;

    if( ( fp = fopen( "./configs.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
        perror("Failed to open configs.txt");
        return -1;

    fscanf( fp,"Threads = %d\n", &(_configs->lim_thread)); 

    //To start reading "Domains = "
    fscanf(fp, "Domains = ");

    fgets(domains, MAX_LINE_SIZE, fp);
    domains[strlen(domains) -1] = '\0';

    //counts the number of domains
    for(aux = 0; aux < strlen(domains); aux++) {
        if( domains[aux] == ';' ) {
    //creates shared memory for the valid domains
    temp_shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, (count+1) * sizeof( char[MAX_DOMAIN_SIZE]), IPC_CREAT|0666);
    _configs->valid_domains = shmat( temp_shmid, NULL, 0);

    //copies all the data to the struct
    strcpy( *(_configs->valid_domains), strtok_r(domains, "; ", &saveptr) );
    aux = 1;
    while( ( aux_char = strtok_r( NULL, "; ", &saveptr) ) != NULL) {
        strcpy( *(_configs->valid_domains + aux), aux_char);

    fscanf(fp, "LocalDomain = %s\n", line);
    temp_shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, (strlen(line) + 1) * sizeof(char), IPC_CREAT|0660);
    _configs->domain = (char*)shmat(temp_shmid, NULL, 0);
    strcpy(_configs->domain, line);

    fscanf(fp, "NamedPipeEstatisticas = %s\n", line);
    temp_shmid = shmget( IPC_PRIVATE, (strlen(line) +1) * sizeof(char), IPC_CREAT|0660);
    _configs->stat_pipe = (char*)shmat(temp_shmid, NULL, 0);
    strcpy(_configs->stat_pipe, line);


    sem_post( &(_configs->sem));

    printf("%d\n", _configs->lim_thread);
    printf("%s\n", *(_configs->valid_domains+1));
    printf("%s\n", _configs->domain);
    printf("%s\n", _configs->stat_pipe);

    return 0;

As kaylum pointed out, each process might map a shared memory block to a different virtual address. Hence pointers cannot be shared, you need to work with offsets.

Allocate a single block of shared memory that you divide in two parts: a table of content and a data area. The table of content consists of variables that contain either a value or (instead of a pointer), the offset between the start of the shared memory block and the start of a data element inside the data area.

Then to obtain the address of a data element a process simply adds its offset to the address of the shared memory block in its address space.

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