Cannot convert [Int] to [Int] in generic implementation


Trying to create a generic data source I bumped into this error and I was wondering why this isn't compilable.

The error:

Cannot convert return expression of type '[Int]' to return type '[Int]'

The code:

protocol DataSource {
    func getData<T> () -> [T]

class IntDataSource<Int>: DataSource {
    let data:[Int] = []
    func getData<Int>() -> [Int] {
        return data

The error is thrown on the return statement in IntDataSource.

I know this could be done in better ways with

typealias DataType
var data: DataType? { get }

But I'm mainly interested in why the compiler doesn't want to accept the return statement. Any ideas?


Part of the question is also why if the previous code is not compilable is the following fair game?

class IntDataSource<Int>: DataSource {
    func getData<Int>() -> [Int] {
        let data:[Int] = []
        return data


This version also compiles without issues

class IntDataSource<Int>: DataSource {

    func getData<Int>() -> [Int] {
        return getIntData()

    func getIntData<Int>() -> [Int] {
        let data:[Int] = []
        return data
Martin R

The "strange" compiler error

Cannot convert return expression of type '[Int]' to return type '[Int]'

can be explained as follows:

Both the <Int> in your class definition and the <Int> in the method definition introduce a new generic type placeholder called Int (and therefore the outer <Int> hides the global type with the same name, and the inner <Int> hides the outer one). Your class definition is equivalent to

class IntDataSource<A>: DataSource {
    let data:[A] = []
    func getData<B>() -> [B] {
        return data 

And now the compiler error is understandable:

cannot convert return expression of type '[A]' to return type '[B]'

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