Finding index of needle in haystack recursively.

Brandon Turpy

I am pretty close to completing my function. I need to take 2 strings, and return the index of string 2 inside of string 1. I know there is a find function for this, but I am not able to use it. It also has to be done with recursive programming.

I have the following.

int index_of(string haystack, string needle) {

    int index = 0;
    string test = haystack.substr(index, needle.length());

    if (test == needle) {
        return index;
    else {
        return 1 + index_of(haystack.substr(1), needle);


It returns the index of the needle in the haystack no problem but there are 2 things it needs to do I can not figure out.

1) If the needle is not in the haystack, then it needs to return a -1. I have done it so at the end if it does not exist, it returns a -1, but because it is recursive, it then adds the other times it returned 1. I am not sure how to just return a single value at the end without adding all the other instances on it.

2) I am suppose to use a helper function within it and I am not sure how to do that either.

Thanks for any help!

Zach Beavon-Collin

In general, you want to return the value of a recursive function unadulterated. In your case, this:

return 1 + index_of(some_parameters);

Should be this:

return index_of(some_parameters);

Now, you just need to choose parameters such that you can keep track of the index until you need to return it, or alternatively -1.

One such function might have the constructor:

index_of(string haystack, string needle, int index);

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