Bool method returns wrong value

Roman Lopez

I created a bool contains(string) method for a linked list hash table which checks if a value is in the hash. I use a helper function to recurse, but when the helper function returns false, the bool contains(string) still returns true. I ran it through the debugger and I can clearly see that it returns false, and I'm not sure why.

Here is the current node being searched:


the value I'm searching for is "typung".

Here's the code:

bool contains_h(string x, node * p) //helper method
    if (p == NULL)
        return false;
    else if (x == p->data)
        return true;
        contains_h(x, p->next);

bool contains(string word) { return contains_h(word, head); }

Andrew Shepherd

Nice simple one. You forgot to put 'return' on the final statement:

bool contains_h(string x, node * p) //helper method
    if (p == NULL)
        return false;
    else if (x == p->data)
        return true;
        return contains_h(x, p->next);

And out of curiosity, I rewrote your code to a one-liner to see what it would look like:

bool contains_h(string x, node * p) //helper method
    return ((p!=NULL) && (x == p->data || contains_h(x, p->next)));

Personally, I would prefer to read your six lines. However, others might disagree, particularly because it would have avoided the missing return statement problem.

Collected from the Internet

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