Passing stream to job as parameter


Is there a way to pass a stream while launching the job through job Launcher, something similar to passing jobParameters?

I have a separate service for getting file and then I want to initiate the batch job to load it.

Code scenario :

Consider this sample. Here job is defined but actual launcher resides in the dependency underneath.

So consider in sample, I add a controller which read user's input file and then trigger the sample-job defined in sample which is run by of underneath.

I was thinking to pass this file stream directly to the job's reader instead of writing it to external disc and reading in Reader's setSeResource


After looking at the sample code you provided, I think you could do something like this :

1) Declare a static HashMap in the SimpleJobConfiguration class.

public static Map<String, Object> customStorage = new HashMap<String, Object>();

2) Populate this map from your service

SimpleJobConfiguration.customStorage.put("key", yourStream);

3) Use this static map in the setResource method of your ItemReader (as said in your previous question)

public void setResource(Resource resource) {

    // Get your stream from the static map
    Byte[] stream = (Byte[]) SimpleJobConfiguration.customStorage.get("key");

    // Convert byte array to input stream
    InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(stream);

    // Create springbatch input stream resource
    InputStreamResource res = new InputStreamResource(is);

    // Set resource

This solution will only work if your service is next to your jobLauncher.

Collected from the Internet

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