Inno Setup: Get 'Don't create a start menu folder' option


I'm working on a Inno Setup script which should check if a start menu entry with the given name already exists. The script below checks if the directory exists. The problem is that it also checks the existence even if the 'Don't create a start menu folder' option is selected and I have no idea how to get this information.

function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
  if CurPageID = wpSelectProgramGroup then
    if DirExists(ExpandConstant('{group}')) then { if the directory is not empty }
      { I have no idea how to get the info if the user has selected }
      { the create start menu folder option or not }
      if { USER DID NOT SELECT THE 'Don't create a Start menu folder' OPTION } then
        MsgBox('Directory already exists. Please choose a different one.',
               mbConfirmation, MB_OK);
        Result := False;
        Result := True;
      Result := True;
  end { wpSelectProgramGroup }
    Result := True;
Martin Prikryl

Query NoIconsCheck checkbox directly:

if not WizardForm.NoIconsCheck.Checked then

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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