How do I Use Count Function for different values of the same column in MS-SQL?


For DB StudentInfo and Table Student as follows:

     Name nvarchar(255)

and inserting values:

Insert Into Student Values ('Ashok')` 

executing it 3 times, and

Insert Into Student Values ('Achyut')

executing it 2 times and total 5 rows of data are inserted into the table.

I want to display a result counting the result with the name having 'Ashok' & 'Achyut'.

Generally for single values count in a column I use:

 SELECT Count(Name) AS NoOfStudentHavingNameAshok 
 FROM Student
 WHERE Name = 'Ashok'

but how to display the NoOfStudentHavingNameAshok & NoOfStudentHavingNameAchyut what query should I run?


You can put conditions inside your COUNT() function:

select count(case when Name = 'Ashok' then 'X' end) as NoOfStudentHavingNameAshok,
       count(case when Name = 'Achyut' then 'X' end) as NoOfStudentHavingNameAchyut
  from Student

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