Sliding Session Expiration with ServiceStack Authentication on ASP.NET MVC


When using ServiceStack authentication with ASP.NET MVC, I wanted to implement a sliding session expiration. After some help from @mythz, I got it working. For any who want to do the same, see my answer for my final implementation.


Here's my final implementation for a sliding session when using ServiceStack authentication in ASP.NET MVC...

public class SlideSessionExpirationAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        var ssController = filterContext.Controller as ServiceStackController;
        if (ssController == null) return;

        // Get session and re-save to slide/update the expiration date
        var session = ssController.ServiceStackRequest.GetSession();
        if(session != null && session.IsAuthenticated)
            ssController.ServiceStackRequest.SaveSession(session, AppHost.SessionExpiration);


...where AppHost.SessionExpiration is a static readonly TimeSpan that I declared in AppHost.cs. To use it, you can slap the attribute on a controller or method via [SlideSessionExpiration] or you can add it in via a global filter (like I did) inside FilterConfig.cs via...

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
    /* ... other filters ... */
    filters.Add(new SlideSessionExpirationAttribute());

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