R: Combining identical rows into one (preferably using dplyr/tidyr)


I have an issue I can't seem to figure out

I have a data frame like this

df <- data.frame(c(rep_len("a",3), "b", "b"), c(rep_len(55, 3), 44, 44),c(rep_len(12, 3), 6, 6), c("na", 2, "na", 3, "na"), c("na", "na", 4, "na", 8), c(5, "na", "na", "na", "na"))
names(df) <- c("street", "latitude", "longitude", "A", "B", "C")

street latitude longitude     A   B   C
    a       55         12    na  na   5
    a       55         12     2  na  na
    a       55         12    na   4  na
    b       44          6     3  na  na
    b       44          6    na   8  na

and I guess what I'm looking for is a way to collapse rows with identical values in 'street', 'latitude', 'longitude' so the data frame looks like this

street latitude longitude     A   B   C
     a       55        12     2   4   5
     b       44         6     3   8  na

My best attempt is this:

df %>%
  group_by(street) %>%

But its not quite right. Have any ideas?


This works without reshaping and using just dplyr, as long as you use the standard NA in place of your "na" and specify stringsAsFactors=FALSE when creating df:

df %>%
  group_by(street, latitude, longitude) %>%
  summarise_each(funs(ifelse(sum(is.na(.)==FALSE)==0, NA, .[which(is.na(.)==FALSE)])), matches("[A-Z]{1}"))

# Result
  street latitude longitude A B  C
1      a       55        12 2 4  5
2      b       44         6 3 8 NA

If you'd prefer to stick with "na", then this works:

df %>%
  group_by(street, latitude, longitude) %>%
  summarise_each(funs(ifelse(sum(.!="na")==0, "na", .[which(.!="na")])), matches("[A-Z]{1}"))

Collected from the Internet

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