Using Interface to make a Class Trait-compatible

Jahanzeb Khan

Is it OK (good practice OOP wise) to make a class implement a certain interface so that a trait being used in that class can access the classes functions.

I found a SO question a few days ago with an answer explaining that traits shouldn't use methods/things from the class it's being used in. What If I made a class implement an interface so it had to have those functions that the trait uses from the class? Would that be OK. I'm taking an OOP class in university next year, so I only learned what OOP I did from the internet, in case this is a bad question. :p

So here's the idea to clarify (in PHP)

trait MyTrait {
  public function foo() {
    return $this->bar(); // bar is in the class the trait is to be used in

class MyClass implements MyTraitCompatible {
  public function bar() {
    return "BAR!";

interface MyTraitCompatible {
  public function bar();

Also, is there anyway to enforce that a class needs to implement MyTraitCompatible to use MyTrait?

Edit: (My actual goal is to have one function used in two classes that both extend another class (Eloquent) and would be completely identical but the function would not be used in all classes extending Eloquent - this is one way I thought of doing it.)

Robbie Averill

One option is that your trait could check that the class using it implements the interface you expect. Here's an example in the constructor method:

trait MyTrait {
    public function __construct() {
        if (!in_array('MyTraitCompatible', class_implements($this, false))) {
            throw new Exception('To use this trait you must implement MyTraitCompatible!');

    public function foo() {
        return $this->bar(); // bar is in the class the trait is to be used in

A valid class would be:

class MyClass implements MyTraitCompatible {
    use MyTrait;
    public function bar() {
        return "BAR!";

An invalid class would be:

class InvalidClass {
    use MyTrait;
    public function baz() {
        return "I don't think so buddy.";

Obviously if the class using this trait has a constructor already then this would conflict. There isn't a pretty way to avoid this since the class using the trait will have precedence over the trait and would just override it. One option is that you could define a check method in the trait and call it from the methods in the trait to check compatibility, but it's not ideal:

trait MyTrait {
    protected function compatible() {
        if (!in_array('MyTraitCompatible', class_implements($this, false))) {
            throw new Exception('To use this trait you must implement MyTraitCompatible!');
        var_dump('Passed the test!');

    public function foo() {
        return $this->bar(); // bar is in the class the trait is to be used in

You could also replace that compatible() method with the __call() magic method - but again, you might run into conflicts if you have one defined elsewhere.

Collected from the Internet

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