Getting statistics from resultset

Monik Eliz

I have a resultset which returns 5 values. I set that data in a POJO, and added that pojo to a list.

datapojo = new OutputViewDataPOJO();

    [Description:Call connect, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting open complete, TimeStamp:2468, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Reading card, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting read card, TimeStamp:10329, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Reading card, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting read card, TimeStamp:6671, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Reading card, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting read card, TimeStamp:6704, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Reading card, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting read card, TimeStamp:6578, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Reading card, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting read card, TimeStamp:6578, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Reading card, TimeStamp:0, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]
    [Description:Waiting read card, TimeStamp:6594, OkError:OK, ResultCode:0, ResultDesc:null.]

the top listed data is printed in console, now my question: how can I get the sum of TimeStamp for the Description "Waiting read card". I need to do some statistics, in this case is getting the media value of timeStamp for every Description and I don´t know how to do that. Please, help me!

Sergey Gazaryan

If you want to store that data in database and then retrieve , you need create a database and table (f.e. user) with these columns

name -age -city -car model -house type

Then you can store data ( Insert into user(name, age, city, car_model, house_type) values (?,?,?,?,?) and retrieve (Select * from user where city = 'Madrid') etc.

You could have a POJO entity as mentioned in one comments :

public class User
   private int id;
   private String name;
   private int age;
   private String city;
   private String carModel;
   private String houseType;

  //getters , setters

Create corresponding table in database, and manipulate with data with Insert, Select queries.

If you don't want to store data in database, you can create a Maps for easy filtering. f.e.

 User user = ...; //an instance of User
 Map<String, List<User>> userCityMap = new HashMap<String,List<User>>(); 
 List<User> userWithThatCity = map.get(user.getCity());
 if(userWithThatCity == null)
   userWithThatCity = new ArrayList<User>();
   userCityMap.put(user.getCity(), userWithThatCity);

I hope that will help.

Collected from the Internet

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