Panda's equivalent of R's order() for arranging dataframe columns


I'm learning pandas after using R for several years. I would like to arrange the order of columns in a data frame based on the max value in the column. What is the equivalent in pandas of the R example code below?

# R code
test = data.frame(matrix(1:9,ncol = 3))
test[,order(apply(test, 2, max),decreasing = TRUE)]

Here's what I've attempted unsuccessfully in pandas:

# Python code
test = pd.DataFrame({"c":[1,2,3],
test = test.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False)

Obviously, that just arranges them columns based on the name. I used c, a, t to check for that behavior. How can I replicate what I did in R?

I'm sure there is a more succinct version, but here's one option:

  • test.max(columns=1) finds the max in each column (like R's apply(test, 2, max))
  • .order(ascending=False).index is like R's order(,,, decreasing=T)
  • test[ column_numbers ] reorders the columns.

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