Submitting multiple inputs with same name


Ok, so I have form for creating polls. I want to use AJAX request and able user to attach image instead of question, so I use FormData for this.

I could't find any solution for working with multiple input with same name (named like this: "name[]"). I tried this option:

var fdata = new FormData();
fdata.append('answers[]', $('input[name="answer[]"]').val());

But it doesn't work. I know I could use .each(), but I don't want different name for each question, so I don't have to rebuild PHP side too much.

Thanks for any help.


You have to append each value in turn. Currently you are only appending the first one (because that is what val() returns.

$('input[name="answer[]"]').each(function (index, member) {
    var value = $(member).val();
    fdata.append('answers[]', value);

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