How to create an instance of the internal constructor with parameters using Reflection?


I have a different scenario. I need to create instance of a class which is public but having all its constructors as internal. The class has no default constructor.

I tried the below ways, but it didn't work.

Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(ClassName), nonpublic:true);
Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(ClassName), new object[]{double,bool});

I also tried this, but ended up with System.MissingMethodException.

var constructors = typeof(ClassName).GetConstructors();
foreach(var ctor in constructors)
    ctor.Invoke(new object[] {double, bool});

I am not able to use BindingFlags in Xamrarin. I am stuck, does anyone have a solution for this?


I found the solution by myself. Here is what I did.

ConstructorInfo info = typeof(ClassName).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredConstructors.First();
ClassName e = info.Invoke(new object[] { parameters }) as ClassName;

I hope this might help someone. Cheers:)

Collected from the Internet

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