BDD: Embedded tables with serenity and jbehave


I'm trying to create a BDD test with serenity (former thucydides) using the jbehave extension, this is my story (originating from the serenity jbehave examples)

Scenario: a scenario with embedded tables
Given that I sell the following fruit
| fruit  | price |
| apples | 5.00  |
| pears  | 6.00  |
And I sell the following vegetables
| vegetable | price |
| potatoe   | 4.00  |
| carrot    | 5.50  |
When I sell fruit
Then the total cost should be total
| goods           | total |
| apples, carrot  | 11.50 |
| apples, pears   | 11.00 |
| potatoe, carrot | 9.50 |

The generated java code is the following:

@Given("that I sell the following fruit\r\n| fruit  | price |\r\n| apples | 5.00  |\r\n| pears  | 6.00  |")
public void givenThatISellTheFollowingFruitFruitPriceApples500Pears600() {
    // PENDING

@Given("I sell the following vegetables\r\n| vegetable | price |\r\n| potatoe   | 4.00  |\r\n| carrot    | 5.50  |")
public void givenISellTheFollowingVegetablesVegetablePricePotatoe400Carrot550() {
    // PENDING

@When("I sell fruit")
public void whenISellFruit() {

@Then("the total cost should be total")
public void thenTheTotalCostShouldBeTotal() {
    // PENDING

How do I retrieve the table arguments in my test ?

I tried the ExamplesTable parameters as per documentation on jbehave tabular parameters but that did not work.

Is there a way to make the given annotation more readable (by not adding the table parameters) ?


You can retrieve the ExampleTable parameter like this (and have more readable given annotations):

@Given("that I sell the following fruit $exampleTable")
public void thatISellTheFollowingFruit(ExamplesTable exampleTable) {
    System.out.println("MyTable: "+exampleTable.asString());

If it doesn't find the declared method and tells you that this step is pending, you could check if you have a whitespace in your story after the word fruit:

Given that I sell the following fruit 

How to access the several rows and columns in your tables is written in the jBehave documentation under

You could also think about creating only one table instead of three:

Scenario: a scenario with embedded tables
Given I sell <product1> 
And the price is <product1price>
And I sell <product2> 
And the price is <product2price>
When I sell something
Then the total cost should be <total>
| product1 | product1price | product2 | product2price | total |
| apples   | 5.00          | carrot   | 6.50          | 11.50 |
| apples   | 5.00          | pears    | 6.00          | 11.00 |
| potatoe  | 4.00          | carrot   | 9.50          | 13.50

The java code would have to look like this to access the parameters:

@Given("I sell <product1>")
public void iSellProduct(@Named("product1") String product1) {
    //do something with product1

Does this help? If not, what exactly does not work when you try to read the exampleTable?

Collected from the Internet

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