Visual Studio Permanently Disable Overwrite

Elaine Lin

I have a minor annoyance with Visual Studio. In the bottom right hand corner of Visual Studio, there is a INS/OVR button to toggle Insert/Overwrite. I always have this button set to INS, and I always want it to be set to INS.

However, sometimes when I build the solution, Visual Studio changes this back to OVR. I have to click on the button to change it back to INS, which is slightly inconvenient.

I do not know why this setting sometimes changes. Is there anyway I can permanently disable the overwrite mode in Visual Studio or prevent solution builds from changing this setting?

Emmett Lin

I don't think you can permanently turn insert/overwrite off. Are you accidentally pressing insert on your keyboard? You can press the insert key on your keyboard or Shift+0 on the numpad to toggle it back again.

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