No such column error when column does exist


I have three tables: nanoProd, nanoFiles, and nanoRelFiles. Third table is used to store the file meta and how they relate to other screens.

I'm getting an error that a column doesn't exist when I know it does and I'm not sure why:

no such column: nanoFiles.fileLoc: 
SELECT AS prodName,
prodTable.intro AS prodIntro,
prodTable.prodText AS nanoText,
nanoFiles.fileLoc AS nanoFile
FROM nanoProd AS prodTable
LEFT JOIN nanoRelFiles on nanoFiles.rid = nanoRelFiles.file_id
LEFT JOIN nanoProd ON nanoProd.rid = nanoRelFiles.item_id
WHERE nanoRelFiles.scr_type = 'prod' AND nanoRelFiles.fileUse = 'list'
Chris Stillwell

You aren't joining to any table called "nanoFiles." You need to JOIN to that table to be able to SELECT from that column. Something like this:

FROM nanoProd AS prodTable
JOIN nanoFiles on ...
LEFT JOIN nanoRelFiles on nanoFiles.rid = nanoRelFiles.file_id

Collected from the Internet

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