Need help to understand the usage of `liftBase`


I am currently reading through (for self studying purpose) the source code of the Bryan O'Sullivan's popular pool library.

And I have a question in the function takeResource, which I would like to ask the Haskell experts here. The function is defined as:

takeResource :: Pool a -> IO (a, LocalPool a)
takeResource pool@Pool{..} = do
  local@LocalPool{..} <- getLocalPool pool
  resource <- liftBase . join . atomically $ do
  ents <- readTVar entries
  case ents of
    (Entry{..}:es) -> writeTVar entries es >> return (return entry)
    [] -> do
      used <- readTVar inUse
      when (used == maxResources) retry
      writeTVar inUse $! used + 1
      return $
        create `onException` atomically (modifyTVar_ inUse (subtract 1))
  return (resource, local)

The line I am having problem with is

resource <- liftBase . join . atomically $ do

Why is here the usage of liftBase necessary? Can we also write instead

resource <- join . atomically $ do

The compiler accepts both versions. Am I missing here something trivial or why is liftBase here necessary?

Thank you in advance for the tips!

Michael Snoyman

I think I'm responsible for that. No, there's no purpose for it to be there, it can be removed. I think it was necessary before some refactoring. You could send a pull request and be part of an awesome library :)

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