How can I set the encoding of a httpExchange response?


I'm trying to modify some server code which uses an httpExchangeobject to handle the server's response to the client.

My issue is that for responses containing characters not supported by iso-8859-1, such as Chinese characters, I get something like '????' in place of the characters. I'd like to set the encoding of the response to utf-8, but have thus far been unsuccessful in doing so.

I tried adding this line:

httpExchange.getResponseHeaders().put("charset", Arrays.asList("UTF-8"));

This successfully puts a "charset" header in the response, but I still can't send the characters I want in the response.

How do I set the encoding of the response to allow for these characters?


Use Content-Type header to specify encoding.

String encoding = "UTF-8";

httpExchange.getResponseHeaders().set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=" + encoding);

Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(httpExchange.getResponseBody(), encoding));

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