controllerAs with directives and isolated scope


I want to create a ok / cancel button set where the developer can change the label

I have the following directive


    var ctrl = function ($scope) {
        var controller = this;

    return {
        replace: true,
        restrict: 'E',

        scope: {
            cancelLabel: '@',
            saveLabel: '@',
            save: '&',
            cancel: '&'

        templateUrl: 'directives/myButtons.html',

        controller: ctrl,
        controllerAs: 'controller',
        bindToController: true,


the html for the directive includes the following


the actual html calling this directive is

 <my-buttons saveLabel="Discard" cancelLabel="Cancel"></my-buttons>

however, the labels are not being set. How can I get the contents of the saveLabel= and cancelLabel= from the html

the form itself is shown, and if I manually set controller.saveLabel = "save" then it appears just fine on the save button

I know I'm missing something very simple ;)


Pankaj Parkar

You directive element attributes are wrong, it should be hyphen(-) separated instead of using camel case.


<my-buttons save-label="Discard" cancel-label="Cancel"></my-buttons>

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