How do I use a conda environment with mod_wsgi?


My first post, and I'm new to both Python and Apache, so please go easy on me. I have a Python web application in a conda environment that serves up content just fine using Flask. Now I need to serve everything with Apache instead of Flask. I can get Apache to run Python with mod_wsgi, but only with virtualenv. I tried installing virtualenv with Anaconda, but I received a warning that such a setup is unsupported and not recommended. So my question is this:

How do I set up Apache to run my application in a conda environment?

Here, there's a section on working with virtual environments, and it says I need to enter a line into my wsgi file showing where to find A virtualenv virtual environment has, but a conda environment does not. It seems that without the right instructions for activating the virtual environment, I'm just getting error 500 in my browser and "Import error: no module named flask" in my httpd error_log.

This is in my httpd.conf file:

<VirtualHost *:80>
     DocumentRoot /var/www
     WSGIScriptAlias / var/www/tsm.wsgi
     <Directory /var/www/tsm>
     Order allow,deny
     Allow from all

And here is tsm.wsgi:

import sys
import site
sys.path.insert(0, '/var/www/tsm/server/time_series_machine')
sys.stdout = sys.stderr
from app import app as application

Any ideas? Thanks for any help you can provide.


I'm late to the party on this but I was having the same problem. For what its worth, I didn't have to recompile anything and was able to get this to work by including something like this in my VirtualHost configuration using the system-installed mod_wsgi:

WSGIDaemonProcess mysite python-path=/path/to/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Note that this points to the site-packages directory.

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