What is the difference between $root and $parent?


I am learning KnockoutJS, but I do not understand the difference between $root and $parent usage. Please see this jsfiddle, or the below code:

<div data-bind="foreach:mainloop">
    $data Value: <span data-bind="text:$data.firstName"></span> 
                  <span data-bind="text:$data.lastName"></span> --(1)

    $parent Value: <span data-bind="text:firstName"> </span> 
                   <span data-bind="text:$parent.lastName"></span>
    $root Value: <span data-bind="text:firstName"></span>
                 <span data-bind="text:$root.lastName"></span>
var mainLoopModel = function () {
    var self = this; // Root Level scope
    self.mainloop = ko.observableArray([{
        'firstName': 'jhon'
    }, {
        'firstName': 'sam'
    self.lastName = ko.observable('peters');
    /*if you remove $data before lastName in note (1) you get undefined error because because mainloop dont have lastName root model has lastName so you have to access using parent or higher level */

ko.applyBindings(new mainLoopModel());

In the above code $root and $parent are both used for the same purpose: to refer outer scope variable. I just like to know is there any difference between the $root and $parent usages? If yes then please help me understand with a good example for correct usage.


They are similar but different:

  • $root refers to the view model applied to the DOM with ko.applyBindings;
  • $parent refers to the immediate outer scope;

Or, visually, from $data's perspective:

tree visualization

Or, in words of the relevant documentation:

  • $parent: This is the view model object in the parent context, the one immeditely outside the current context.

  • $root: This is the main view model object in the root context, i.e., the topmost parent context. It’s usually the object that was passed to ko.applyBindings. It is equivalent to $parents[$parents.length - 1].

  • $data: This is the view model object in the current context. In the root context, $data and $root are equivalent.

You'll only see a practical difference if you have view models nested more than one level, otherwise they will amount to the same thing.

It benefit is rather simple to demonstrate:

var Person = function(name) {
  var self = this;
  self.name = ko.observable(name);
  self.children = ko.observableArray([]);
var ViewModel = function() {
  var self = this;
  self.name = 'root view model';
  self.mainPerson = ko.observable();

var vm = new ViewModel(),
    grandpa = new Person('grandpa'),
    daddy = new Person('daddy'),
    son1 = new Person('marc'),
    son2 = new Person('john');


th, td { padding: 10px; border: 1px solid gray; }
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.2.0/knockout-min.js"></script>

<script type="text/html" id="person">
    <td data-bind="text: $root.name"></td>
    <td data-bind="text: $parent.name"></td>
    <td data-bind="text: $data.name"></td>
  <!-- ko template: { name: 'person', foreach: children } --><!-- /ko -->

  <!-- ko template: { name: 'person', data: mainPerson } --><!-- /ko -->

The $root is always the same. The $parent is different, depending on how deeply nested you are.

Collected from the Internet

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