linux kernel module not autoloading

Adir Kuhn

I'm studing the linux kernel and start with hello world module at this point everything is fine but after compile

$ make

and install

$ insmod akmod.ko

the module it's not showing a "hello world" message on KERN_DEBUG

$ dmesg
nothing here

just show on rmmod

$ rmmod akmod
[4543.3423432] hello world
[5462.5323452] goodbye

The code is the same found here:

I just changed the KERN_ALERT for KERN_DEBUG

I'm using Debian 8.

I think that occurs because the module it´s not autoloading on insmod

When I run

$ make menuconfig

I can't find the option Automatic kernel module loading

Loadable module support  --->
  [*] Enable loadable module support
  [*]   Module unloading
  [ ]   Module versioning support (EXPERIMENTAL)
  [*]   Automatic kernel module loading **(My menu config don´t show this option)**

Any advice will be appreciated

Zan Lynx

What you are describing sounds like you did not include a newline ("\n") at the end of your printk.

Since you didn't share your actual code and your insmod is obviously not from the example. (insmod akmod.ko? Why akmod? akmod is a completely different thing.) debugging this is a complete guess.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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