Can't reference inner class from a static context, but only if outer class is generic


The following won't compile:

class Outer<T> {
    class Inner {


    static class Nested {
        Inner inner; // Error: Outer.this cannot be referenced from a static context

However, if I remove <T>, it compiles. Why the inconsistency?

Also, if I say Outer.Inner inner;, instead of Inner inner;, it compiles. Again, why the inconsistency?

I'd expect an error in either all cases or none. Could anyone explain what's going on?


Why the inconsistency?

I would say this is not inconsistency at all. This is basically a problem of understanding of generics. Consider the following code (Your modified code):

class Outer<T> {
    class Inner{
        T t;//Added this extra line

    static class Nested {
        Inner inner; 

In this above example is somewhat similar to what you have written only I have added a new variable t of type T which is the generics of Outer class in the class Inner. Now in this above example would not compile because there is a non-static or runtime reference present in the Inner class, so, when you declare Inner in a static class Nested the JAVA complier does not know the type of T, which is only declared in the runtime, so you get an error. But in your case you have done nothing like that but still the compiler does not know whether something like that is present or not. So it gives the error.

Now in the second case you have removed the generic T from the class declaration of the Outer. So there is no possibility of declaring variable t in the Inner class so there is no error.

In the third case you declared Outer.Inner for the type of variable inner and it compiled successfully. Here the compiler considered Outer as RAW TYPE. But this type of raw type declarations should be avoided. So it would be better to write:

 Outer<?>.Inner inner;

Here Java compiler considers Outer to take any object as parameters which would inherit Object.

Collected from the Internet

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