What is the opencv equivalent to matlab's fliplr()?

Yonatan Simson

My solution is:

cv::Mat FlipLR(const cv::Mat& inImg)
    //create flipped image from Left to right
    cv::Mat outImg(inImg.size(), inImg.type());
    cv::Mat_<double> FlipMatrix(2, 3);
    FlipMatrix << -1, 0, inImg.cols - 1, 
        0, 1, 0; 

    cv::warpAffine( inImg, outImg, FlipMatrix, outImg.size(), cv::INTER_NEAREST );

    return outImg;

Is there a more efficient way to do this?


Yes, cv::flip().

Although a simple search through the docs would've given you this.

Collected from the Internet

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