Displaying multi dimensional array with ReactJS


Just started with ReactJS and I'm looking for the most efficient code to display the array below in a table structure as described in the 'render' section. I have been using .map to iterate through the users/buttons objects, but with no success yet.

In my code sample below, I want to take the userData array and display the content in separate rows (html table format)ie.

Joe,Smith,[Click 1A],[Click2B] //'Click XX' are buttons

Mary,Murphy,[Click 2A],[Click2B]

How can I achieve this?


var MyButton = require('./mybutton.js');

var userData =[{ 
userButtons: [
[{user: [{ id: 1, lastName: 'Smith', firstName: 'Joe', 
    buttons: [
        {button:[{ id:0, value: "Click 1A" enabled:1}]},
        {button:[{ id:1, value: "Click 1B" enabled:1}]}
[{user: [{ id: 1, lastName: 'Murphy', firstName: 'Mary', 
    buttons: [
        {button:[{ id:0, value: "Click 2A" enabled:1}]},
        {button:[{ id:1, value: "Click 2B" enabled:1}]}

var DisplayData = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    // render userButtons in a table with data using <MyButton> ie.
    // <table>
    // <tr><td>Joe</td><td>Smith</td><td>[Click 1A]</td><td>[Click 2A]</td</tr>
    // <tr><td>Mary</td><td>Murphy</td><td>[Click 2B]</td><td>[Click 2B]</td></tr>
    // </table>
    <DisplayData tArr = {userData} />
, document.getElementById('content')

// mybutton.js
var React  = require('react');

module.exports = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return (
Austin Greco

I would suggest you simplify your userData if possible.. you have quite a bit of extra nested arrays that don't seem to be needed.

Something like this:

var userButtons = [
        id: 1,
        lastName: 'Smith',
        firstName: 'Joe',
        buttons: [
                id: 0,
                value: "Click 1A",
                enabled: 1
            }, {
                id: 1,
                value: "Click 1B",
                enabled: 1
        id: 2,
        lastName: 'Murphy',
        firstName: 'Mary',
        buttons: [
                id: 0,
                value: "Click 2A",
                enabled: 1
            }, {
                id: 1,
                value: "Click 2B",
                enabled: 1

Then it's easy to loop through and return the right elements:

return (
            userButtons.map(function(ub) {

                var buttons = ub.buttons.map(function(button) {
                    return (

                return (

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